In His Presence Ministry International is an organisation that was founded in July 2015 as an NPO, with the vision of spreading the Gospel to the ends of the earth and showing the love of Christ to the world. We are passionate about preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world! If you would like to get involved and find out how you can help, let us know and we’ll introduce you to the team. We are involved in various community development programmes, such as bread distribution for those in need and school supplies (stationery, uniform, structural upgrades) for a school which we’ve adopted as a church. A primary school in Tshetshu North West South Africa and Mveledzandivho Primary School Soweto. Our Mission is to turn irreligious into fully devoted followers of Christ .Our Vision is expressed in the following activities DISCIPLESHIP RESTORATION, EVANGELISM, ARTICULATION, MISSIONS, SOCIAL RELEVANCE.
We believe that through this, we are fulfilling God’s purpose as a local church and we strive to relevant to our generation while remaining scripturally pure.
By invitation only.
Fri 19 July 18h00
Sat 20 July 09h00